Denmark/ Knabstrup 19.08.2024
***Sommerlyst's Yidam Sera & Rombon Aku- Kungo ( alias Pacu)***
became proud parents of 2 sable boys and 1 dark silver sable girl
breeder : Vibeke Ellekaer from Kennel Sensommer's in Denmark
Both parents have all necessary health checks clear,
puppies got their names, vaccinations and Danish Registration numbers.
Their Tibetan names :
Sensommer's Gampa La ( "easygoing") /boy
Sensommer's Gaisang La ("good luck") /boy
Sensommer's Namche La ("sunshine") /girl
Virtuell Pedigree on free international database : www.tibetanspaniel.pedigreedatabaseonline.com
*** The 2 boys found their new perfect homes, not far away from the breeders home.
Namche La, the girl will be KEEPER, she is a new hope to continue this very special line with direct Tibetan and other native lines behind on father's side.***